Monday, October 27, 2014

The Canvas

In this post, I am going to give you an idea of what i'm working with.  Below are photos of the yard. It is quite overgrown and has remnant of a failed attempt at gardening... (don't judge), but now things are going to be more gracious in this yard. Please remember that all this is taking place on the island of Antigua in the tropical Caribbean climate.  So here goes. 

This is the right side of the front of the yard. The plan is to pave the drive way with some concrete. 

And this is the left side of the front of the yard.. As you can see we already have some okras and sorrel growing. My plan is to replace this with some roses and other shrubs and some perennials and annuals. 

This is the right wing of the house and as you can see there are already a few boxes with some stuff in there. This is where I will be growing all the vegetables. We have a compost bin way in the back. I will also be erecting (lol) a little greenhouse which will be made with pvc pipes. And in the future we are thinking of building a gazebo to put the table and chairs. Coool. Right?

This is the left wing of the house, it's super sunny on this side... I mean really brutally hot. My plans for this side is to put some hedging to the fence. and I will also be putting a succulent garden on this side with a few herbs and stuff.  I forgot to include a pic of the back of the house which is where all the fruit trees are. I'll upload that at a latter date. 



Let The Work Begin.

Am I a professional gardener? Definitely not! Do I have any real experience in gardening? Meh...But what i do have is months and months of time spent watching gardening shows and lusting after the beautiful flower and veggie plots or allotments... (whatever you call it on your side of the globe) and wishing that I could magically transfer one of those into my present plot which is not very attractive at present. Hopefully though, with the help of  God and the elements, that will all change in the very near future. What I am going to attempt is something that some who live on this little island may deem impossible, but I'm crazy like that.  My main purpose for wanting to create a garden paradise is not only to have a place where I can unwind and meditate,  but I want to create it as a gift to a very loving woman who has done so much for my family by allowing us to stay at her house while we try to find a place of our own, and this is why it is going to work. 

Do I have a plan? You sure bet I do! In fact, I have been sketching plans for quite a while now, and I have now settled on a final design that is not too complicated and should be attainable on a budget. 
Now I will be posting pictures and a vlog on the entire process, and I will gladly take any valuable advice from all the experts out there. 

If you read through this entire post, it is because you have some kind of interest in all of this, so feel free to follow me on this adventure. 
